Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still Got It

I finally made it to the pool this evening for roll practice (but forgot the camera). It's actually been quite a while since I've done a lot of rolling, and none with my new extra skinny Lumpy paddle.

Funny (or maybe not so funny) how your confidence takes a hit when you've not been working on skills. I'm thinking about a class I/II white-water paddle next week so thought it would be good to see if I still have it.

I forgot how much fun rolling practice is. I mostly practiced my old rolls using the GP stick. I even got some hand rolls in using a white-water hand paddle I borrowed. I need to remember to bring my Greenland throwing stick.

Next week I've promised myself to keep the GP home, and only use a Euro paddle. It's the practice I really need, and I'll be using a short one on the river.

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